Friday, November 19, 2010

Fondant and Harry Potter

So the new Harry Potter movie came out like an hour ago...whoopdeedo.   I started reading the books when I was in high school when just 1-4 were out.  And I'll admit, I went to the book release parties at Barnes and Noble for books 5-7.  The books are blow-your-ass-off good.  But I haven't been completely impressed by the movies since the first.  I do want to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1.  But not tonight, and probably not in the theaters...I don't really see the point in spending as much money as it costs these days to see a movie.  Especially when there's 2 fairly large tvs here in my home and we have Direct TV.  I'll catch it eventually...  Anyways the only Harry Potter movie I saw in the theaters was 5...and that was with Jerry (bleeeeeeechypoopoopoo) back in the summer of 2007 when I was in Champaign, IL for corporate training for Jimmy John's.  Jeeeeeeeeebus.  I guess the reason I post this is cuz I was just checking my facebook a few minutes ago, killing time while the fishies feed, and I saw at least 10 posts from different people about seeing the new movie...yowsa!  Normally, I'd be sound asleep by now since I gotta get up and watch Z tomorrow.  However, I had to work till 9:30 tonight and got invited over to my pal Jon's place.  He and Angela are making a cake for our friend Sarah's birthday.  Jessica, Matt, and I just watched and drank wine, but they were using something I've been wondering about for ages...fondant.  To be more specific, red fondant from the Duff collection of baking items we carry at work.  It actually tastes pretty good, and it looks relatively easy to work with (even for baking dummies like me).  At any rate, the cake was still in beginning stages when I left to come home to bed...but now I'm wired and can't get to sleep.  I gotta get up in 4 1/2 hours so I'm gonna try to hit it...good night world (wide web)...enjoy the fondant and Harry Potter in life cuz you never know when you'll turn into a pumpkin.

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