Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's missing?

So someone asked me yesterday if I'm glad to be back in Sioux Falls.  That is a really tough question to answer.

First off, if things hadn't gone awry for me financially in the fall of last year, I would not even be here.  But if I'm going to think about what might have been, I might mention that I should have a 2-3 month old baby right now.  Things obviously don't always end up like they're supposed to.

Secondly, of course I'm glad to be back.  The worst part about living in Chicago was being away from my family.  We're super tight, my fam and I.  However, there are many things I've come to miss about life in Chicago.
Off the top of my head, five specific things:
1. Living with Holly:  I miss my best friend all the time.  Chicago was great with Holly around but we could live together anywhere and it'd be awesome.  She's my hetero-lifemate, to borrow a phrase.  I dream distant dreams of moving out to California with her and Kelly and us being the 3 Musketeers again.
2. Commuting:  as long as I was on time, I usually liked traveling via the CTA.  I would rock my iPod the whole trek and either read a book or draw.  I can't multitask when in transit here, though I can sing along to the iPod as loudly as I want.
3.  John's Pizzeria:  it was so close to my apartment and so much more delicious than most any other pizza in Chi.  Of course everyone craves different pizza places and I will admit I ordered Dominos more than the average person the last year or so I lived there.  But John's will always be in my top five favorite pizzas of all time.
---Just an aside, I have not watched it as of late but I think it's pretty apparent the affinity I have with John Cusack's character and his 'top 5 lists' in High Fidelity.
4.  The architecture:  Chicago has amazing architecture.   The birthplace of the skyscraper.  I'm proud to say that I've lived in a place so rich with interesting history, despite all the conflicts and trials.  It just shows how resourceful humankind is when faced with extreme obstacles.  I could go on and on...
5.  My artist community:  I miss being surrounded by artists of all sorts at all times.  While I do have a few people here sort of creating a smaller version, it's difficult to force myself into the art world without the people I grew to rely on in Chicago.  I feel like I might have taken a few people for granted in not keeping up with them after I moved back home.  I do think of them often even though I don't communicate it.  I've never been good at keeping up.

I guess what's prompted this nostalgic post is that when I went out this morning for groceries I decided that I rather like what my life has become here in Sioux Falls, despite the constant stress of money.  It made me actually stop and remember that towards the end of my time in Chicago that I had become somewhat of a hermit, never going anywhere.  I feel like that's changed here and that while I am quite ready for someone special to come into my life, it doesn't have to happen right now.
So I guess the answer to the tough question is yes.  yes, but...

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