Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Diet Life

I watched this video online today...of course they were selling a product so they talked up the system a ton.  However, they did give a lot of information about things to avoid and things to eat (and eat in generous healthy portions).  It's all info that I guess I kind of knew or could have easily found elsewhere, they just made it easy with a video...I have absolutely no intention of paying any money for any more information but it's available here if anyone's interested:
Flat Belly System

Some of the basic info I gathered is as follows:

Sugar is ENEMY 1
Processed foods are ENEMY 2

Bad Carbs: whole grain/wheat anything

Good Carbs: sprouted grain, rice, spelt, millet, quinoa, sweet potatoes, all fruits and veggies

Bad Fats: hydrogenated oils, canola oil, margarine, butter substitutes

Good Fats: real butter, whole eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, raw nuts

Avoid: artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, processed soy products

Go for food with only one ingredient

starving yourself="starvation mode"=body holds all bad fat

foods in fat-burning zone: butter, bacon, eggs, the 'right' bread, steak, trail mix
foods in weight gain zone: low-fat muffins, healthy cereals, oj, granola, whole wheats

I don't even know how much impact this info will have on my current diet because I just plan on eating sensibly.

That is all about diet life for right now.  I'm going to eat an orange.

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