Friday, January 10, 2014

Gearing up to Green it up!

So last night...and then all of today while I hung out with Sky and Jon's kiddos, I've been researching what kinds of plants I'd like to start growing in my apartment.  The kinds that I can grow year round inside but move them out to the deck in the summer for some good direct sunlight.

Now that I've done some research, I'm starting to formulate some plans.  I'm going to save some links here to refer back to once I get going.

How to grow a lemon tree from a seed
Lemon Tree from a seed

*Materials needed:
lemon seeds
potting soil
sprouting pot (topless milk carton with drainage holes)
resting pot (13" diameter, 10" height...old alocasia pot)
sunlamp (fluorescent ones from Jon)

*Shopping list:
a meyer lemon (preferably organic)
potting soil -a blend of peat, perlite, vermiculite, and organic fertilizer

What is the Best mix of Herbs to grow together in a pot?
13 Tips for Planting an herb garden

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