Friday, January 3, 2014

Bread; two ways.

Well, I had today off and I think it was a pretty successful one.  It started off a bit slow and uninspired with a dash of frustration.  However, I got most of the Christmas decorations taken down, the tree and most of the lights put away. 
I went to lunch with my mom and sister (and Sky and Jax) and also got groceries.  My folks had given me part of my Christmas gift in the form of Hyvee gift cards so because I'd gotten my main staples on last week's grocery trip, I was able to get some odds and ends to fill my pantry, so to speak.  I'm excited to now again have: buffalo sauce, dijon mustard, garlic, onions, balsamic vinegar, cocoa, vanilla (I didn't run out, it molded! wtf?!?) and oats. 
On New Year's Eve I started a recipe for no-knead bread that takes some sitting, which I ended up baking today in my mini loaf pans (3).  I already ate one of them but I will post a pic of the others later.
Easy No-Knead Bread
I did 4 loads of laundry, which are hanging all over the apartment drying now, humidifying this cold, dry place.  I don't look forward to putting them all away, but then, I never ever do.  Laundry just sucks.
Then, for good measure, I made some apple bread with streusel topping for Saturday morning coffee tomorrow.  It actually is cooling on a rack in the kitchen now; I should cover it before bed...
Apple Bread with Streusel
So I didn't really make any art today but I got creative in the there!
I did try to do some of the yoga on my roku this morning but it's pretty clear that I'm going to have to start slowly and back at the beginning because I am wicked out of shape.  Lame.  I'm going to try to find Namaste Yoga online for free now...then I'll have something to do before coffee tomorrow (to work off that sweet apple bread!).

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