Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's about damn time, right?

So I've been thinking about posting for a really long time.  Life's been crazy busy and surprising.  I know it's been over 2 months since my last post and that's because of a few things.  I went back and read that I had updated about my 2 new jobs.  Well, I kept all 4 jobs until the end of August.  I even ended up working 22 days in a row without even 1 day off.  I ended up quitting the lowest paying job (Michaels) despite it being one of the more relevant ones to my field of study.  However, I was in a financial pickle after letting the situation at my brother's go on for so long.  So now, I work still at the Washington Pavilion from time to time and then part-time at JJs and part-time in direct sales for a local cable company.

I'm still seeing Mr. Nice, much more seriously now.  For awhile I was attributing my prolonged fatigue to the fact that I was juggling 4 jobs and a boyfriend.  Come to find out (about 6 weeks ago) that I'm pregnant with his oopsy baby.  SURPRISE!  Now obviously that was pretty unexpected and definitely not planned.  However, our relationship is going really well as is the pregnancy.  By my calculations, I'm 12 weeks along which was confirmed by my doctor on Thursday at my first ultrasound.  The difference between this one and the one I had last year was night and day.  I got to see my baby moving around there, active and healthy and normal!  I wish my guy could have been there but he still lives an hour away and the scheduling just didn't work.  He is making plans to save money and move here whenever it works best.  Until then I still get to see him every weekend.  Actually I've been at his place this whole weekend.  He still does the night shift while I do the day so he's still sleeping now while I'm wide awake.  I don't usually have any problem staying asleep late with him but I did take a little nap last night while he was playing his video game.  Plus I was getting really hungry so I made some sticky buns.  He's gonna have to get up soon if he wants some...  :P  Side effects of this bun in my oven is the overwhelming urge to eat far more often than I've ever felt before.  I've had some nausea and dizzy spells.  Morning sickness hasn't affected me as much in the way of barfing all the time as just generally feeling crappy for days on end.  This week's had some crazy temperature and weather changes and I've been sick because of it all week.  I thought it started out as a sinus thing but now my symptoms are more like the bronchitis that Terri was sporting last week.  Or maybe it's just a 'faux sickness' like my friend Jessica said.  Whatever it is, I'm hoping it'll be gone very very soon.  I've gotta catch up on some work this week.  I think I'll at least have some more energy now that I'm almost out of the first trimester.  It's been terribly hard not to always give in to the incredible urge to sleep between jobs.  That's when I don't get nearly as much done in the day.

I've been wanting my artistic release back, wanting to do something for art's sake (to borrow a phrase).  So the title of this post is multipurpose then.  I received some unbelievably sad news last Sunday that my dear friend and neighbor from college Will passed away.  I wept for the world's loss of a beautiful soul and a talented individual who simply didn't understand his true worth in life.  The loss of someone so great makes me feel like time really is short and I have to make the most of what I've got.  I have to be able to find a balance between the busy of life and family and maintaining the art that is my true life-blood.  I decided to start organizing my collection of items and bits from college.  I found a lot of things that reminded me of Will and our group of friends and all the great times we had together.  And not just in the college partying friends way; also the way that we were fellow artists working side by side and together in this world to make a mark.  I don't want to lose what I've worked for so I've made a command decision to make art a part of every single day.  I ended up stopping by my aunt Jen's house on Tuesday this week.  She's always been one of my biggest creative inspirations.  I stopped by because I saw her outside and because I was RSVPing to a jewelry party invite for Thursday.  We talked for almost 2 hours and in that time she managed to inspire me yet again.  She showed me a wonderful little scrapbook she'd made completely by hand.  It, to me, was much more like an artist book than some scrapbook.  It was beautifully crafted with delicate details and features like pockets and inserts.  And the basic structure of the book was paper lunch sacks.  She is planning on helping me get started on a book of my own.  It seemed so perfectly synchronized that I should be organizing the items I want to put into a variety of artist's books the 2 nights prior to my aunt offering to help me get started on them.  I always curse myself for not taking that book-making class in college.  I should have realized that a lot of my art is better in book format.  At any rate, I got some supplies at Michaels the other night when I went in to show some of my old coworkers my ultrasound pictures.  I spent more than I should have but I got a couple of nice frames for Aaron and Terri.  I had promised birthday presents to them months ago when I was much more broke.  I finally got what I'd planned to awhile ago.  Now I just need to sew Z's little baby romper to a nice fitted piece of matboard and put it in the 12" x 16" black shadowbox I got for Terri and give Aaron the black shot glass collector case I got for him.  I've also been crocheting and knitting a little more here and there.   I want to get my baby hat inventory up for this winter.  So in the past week, my artistic spirit has been soooooooaring.  I hope the baby can feel the arty energy.

Speaking of arty energy, I think I may put something on the tv and crochet, but first...another sticky bun, and maybe a quick cleanup.  This man has a serious bachelor pad.  I actually really want to post again soon.  Maybe it'll be good for the arting to keep posting.  And so I shall.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quick Update

So I'm done watching Z and I moved out of my brother's place on the 1st and where I'm living now we don't have internet yet.  I got 2 more jobs and I've been working a ton.  I also have still been seeing Mr. Nice every weekend.  I even went to visit him in his hometown for the 4th of July (I met one of his sisters and his parents!!!!).  I've been going to the library for web access but I'm seriously hoping to get it going at the new place ASAP.  One of my new jobs is at the nearby JJ's...I thought it would suck going back but it's fun and easy and there's plenty of opportunity to move up.  The other job I start training at next week since this week I was booked solid.  I really don't know when my next day off will be but I'll still be seeing Mr. Nice this weekend.  I'll try to update again the next time I'm on the net...but I won't make any promises (seeing as it's been almost a month since my last post).  That's all for now.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Another Awesome

Ok, it's pretty much a done deal.  I'm smitten like a kitten!  Mr. Nice and I have hung out the last 2 nights and I already want to see him again.  Unfortunately (but not really since I need money) I started my second class at the pavilion this morning so we weren't able to hang out today too.  And I already want to see him again.  He's going to a show tonight but I work at Michaels tonight so the odds of me going are pretty slim.  He says he's looking for jobs in SooFoo cuz he's tired of living an hour away from his friends and the 'city' and wants to move back.  That would make things sooooo much easier and we could spend time during the week getting to know each other.  I have to say that so far, he hasn't done or said even one thing that's made me uneasy or unsure about him.  I really think that this could definitely go somewhere.  I got the words straight from the horse's mouth that Mr. Nice is beyond the 'one-night-stand' phase and that monogamy is a must for him (like it is for me).  I can still hardly believe how lucky I was to meet him...the universe sure has a strange sense of time and humor but hey, I'll take it!

Omg, I could stay on here and gush for hours but I've got packing to do.  Moving out by the end of the month...another AWESOME for ASHLEY.  YES!

Friday, June 17, 2011


I got 'em...there, I said it.  Mr. Nice and I are going out tomorrow and I'm really excited.  We've only talked once since last weekend but we've texted back and forth throughout the whole week and I know he's looking forward to it too.  I had an extremely crappy afternoon with Z and just the thought of tomorrow made me smile.  It still does.  Though I'm kinda being a nut job a little.  By this I mean I've been cleaning and packing and whatnot for the last few nights on the off chance that he comes here tomorrow.  I'm less that 2 weeks away from moving so obviously packing is a good idea at this point.  However, the vigorous cleaning and packing away of things is because I'm definitely not ready to reveal all my crazy on the first real date.  I really like him so I don't wanna scare him away right away.  I say this slightly in jest but also seriously.  I don't know why I haven't had any decent luck keeping a man in my life so far.  Looking back now at 25, my longest relationship ever was only 8 months...and that was a stretch, believe me.  That relationship was doomed after 5 months, even 4 maybe.  So, my nerves about blowing things with Mr. Nice too soon are understandable.  At least I'm not carrying any baggage from my past...I'm sure that should be at least a little bit of a plus for him.  I've been single pretty much steady for close to 3 years so I think it's about time something good happened for me.  Curse these wretched nerves! haha  The cool part is that I'm totally enjoying all the funky feelings that are the resulting feelings from a mutual like interest.  I suppose after this ramble I can't really say 'I won't say much' but I will say that I have every intention of keeping the real details to myself.  Secrets like that are the best because you're the only one that knows them.  I would, however, like to sum up that I have overall been very happy and excited all week all because of Mr. Nice.  Preparations for my folks' anniversary luau coming up tomorrow has been a great distraction so far to keep me from metaphorically grasping for tomorrow night desperately.  I really am more of a romantic than a cynic so I'll end with the cliche: I just can't wait! :D

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

News-full June

I know it's been a couple weeks since my last few gets crazy sometimes:

I didn't completely stop doing my food diary.  I did, however, stop being so diligent with the calorie counting.  I have every intention of returning to the habit a little more resolutely come July.  But with all that's going on and will go on by then who knows what will happen?  For the record though, the calorie counting does work...I lost 7 lbs during the month of May making my grand total since New Years 18 lbs.  Go me!  Now I've stayed the same for the past 3 weeks, which is good considering all of the occasions...I do plan on getting back into my exercising and workout plan, which has been on hold because of all the craziness.

First on the list of crazy things:  I'm finally moving out of my brother and sister-in-law's basement.  I'll be moving in with Matt's cousin Justin.  He's 21, just bought his first house.  He's got money, but not a clue.  So Angela and I have taken it upon ourselves to take charge of the house before I move in to get it in order and make it a little more like a home and a little less like a dumpy bachelor pad.  We've spent a fair amount of time over there cleaning and whatnot.  We (as in Angela and me) will be picking paint (which Justin's going to buy) and painting the whole place soon.  I plan on being totally moved in there by July 1st.  Lucky for me he's pretty flexible about when I move in and when I pay rent which will be affordable as soon as I get a better job.  I've been looking for awhile now and have had a couple responses.

The main reason I don't already have a new job is because June is the month of my summer classes at the Washington Pavilion.  I had my Canvas Creations painting class last week and have my Art Explorers class next week.  Last week was insane having my class every afternoon still watching Z on three of the days and working at Michaels on two of the nights.  Also, Wednesday was my 25th birthday.  Wooty woot!  It was Terri's birthday too, and Thursday was Aaron's birthday.  We had a family cookout on Tuesday night.  Dad made ribs on the grill; Mom made homemade mashed potatoes, her tasty coleslaw salad.  We had fruit and chocolate ice cream cake and everyone was there.  On my actual b-day Matt and Angela took me out to Bracco's for half-off drinks.  We splurged on some "Jamaican-me-crazy"s, nachos and a Bob Marley-tini.  We also stopped off at Woody's for another drink.  I didn't feel that great during class the next day but I had a great time.

The birthday celebrating continued on into the weekend when Marcy went into labor on Saturday night.  Samantha Cadence Seaman, daughter of Jon and Marcella Seaman, was born Sunday at 12:34 in the afternoon; 6 lb 2 oz and 19 in long.  I was working at the time and though the new parents were accepting visitors that night, most of the family waited to go up to the hospital until yesterday before lunch.  She's beautiful and tiny.  I'm so excited to be an auntie again!  1 nephew and now 3 nieces!!!

And now, as if all of this excitement wasn't enough, something else incredible happened to me on Saturday:  I met someone.  I don't want to jinx it or anything so I'm not going to get into a lot of details (ie his name).  I'm gonna play it like Carrie on Sex in the City when she's writing her column; you don't really know Mr. Big's real name is John until the last episode.  So I'm going to call this guy Mr. Nice.  I will say that I'm really glad that I went out on Saturday night.  I had gone painting at Jon and Marcy's in the morning (completely unsuspecting that she'd be popping in less that 24 hours!), and worked the rest of the day at Michaels.  Angela called before my shift was over and said that Sara's new beau had a guy friend that I should meet and that they were going out for drinks that night.  Lucky for me I had my flip-flops and a different shirt in my car.  AND despite being unshowered, with grody failing make-up, my huge work pants and a baggy, rather unflattering top on, I'm fairly certain that Mr. Nice is genuinely into me.  I guess it's just my charming personality (haha).  I'd say that considering all I knew about him before meeting him was his name and all he knew was my name and that I'm kinda chatty, we hit it off like most people wish their fix-ups between friends would go.  I know I said I wouldn't get into much detail so I'll just say that Mr. Nice lives about an hour away from here meaning he'll be mostly available to see on the weekends when he quite frequently comes to SooFoo to hang with friends.  This is actually perfect for me the relationship-tard...It means we've got time to get to know each other without being too serious about it right away and that I'll still have time to do all the crap that I already have to do.  That's one thing about relationships that I haven't figured out since I haven't had anything even close to one in over 3 years.  How do you have time to do everything?  I guess that sounds kinda bad: it's not that I don't want to see Mr. Nice until next weekend.  However, I've been in a fantastic mood since we met and just the few sweet texts he's sent have been enough to make me all fluttery inside.  There's no need to rush the good feelings that come with something new and exciting.  I'm really looking forward to seeing him again this weekend...
Though I can't image he'll be down for coming to my parents' (6-months-early) 30th wedding anniversary Tahitian luau which is Saturday night.  It would be amazing if he did, but I hardly expect something like that from a guy I just met especially considering I've never actually introduced my folks to anyone I've dated before.  I'm pretty confident I'll be seeing him again this weekend, we'll just have to wait and see when.  At any rate...GO ME!  While for right now, financially, I'm fucked, I at least have a lot of great things in my life to keep me happy through the struggle...I'll try not to wait so long til my next post but I can't guarantee anything. ;)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 31

Breakfast: (180)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (325)
whole wheat pita pepperoni pizza (150+15+60+100)
diet coke

Dinner: (565)
sesame chicken with carrots, green beans, broccoli (90+200+25)
white rice (160)
1 cup skim milk (90)

Snacks: (360)
string cheese (80)
coleslaw/ramen salad (150)
Cheese-it pack (100)

Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred: Level 1 (25 min)
weights (10 min)


A Food Journal: Day 30

Breakfast: (130)
homemade wheat banana bread (100)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (815)
cheeseburger with ketchup and mayo (330+110+60+15+30)
Multi-grain Pringles (70)
coleslaw/ramen salad (100)
rhubarb crisp (100)
diet pepsi

Dinner: (280)
whole wheat pita with homemade hummus (150+50)
string cheese (80)

Snacks: (80)
string cheese (80)


A Food Journal: Day 29

Breakfast: (150)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
diet coke

Lunch: (345)
pear (85)
2 string cheese (160)
Cheese-it pack (100)

Dinner: (350)
Michelina's Lean Gourmet Shrimp Scampi (290)
1 slice of American cheese (60)

Snacks: (300)
2 slices of homemade wheat banana bread (200)
cookie pack (100)


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 28

Breakfast: (255)
2 slices of homemade wheat banana bread (210)
coffee with cream and Truvia (45)

Lunch: (approx. 610)
Leonardo's Pizza (at Washington Pavilion), 2 narrow slices of pepperoni (educated guess: approx. 610)
diet coke

Dinner: (300)
orange curry garlic chicken with onions, carrots, green beans (300)

Snacks: (245)
pear (85)
2 string cheese (160)


A Food Journal: Day 27

Breakfast: (195)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
coffee with cream and Truvia (45)

Lunch: (280)
spinach, 1/4 cup shredded cheese blend, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 mushroom, hard-boiled egg, 2 wheat saltines, carrots, and balsamic vinaigrette (10+100+40+70+20+20+20)

Dinner: (745)
cheeseburger with mayo and ketchup (330+120+60+45+30)
sweet potato fries (160)
diet coke

Snacks: (215)
cookie (30)
string cheese (80)
1 slice homemade wheat banana bread (105)

P90X: Plyometrics (60 min)


A Food Journal: Day 26

Breakfast: (180)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (390)
2 scrambled eggs with mozzarella (240)
hash brown potatoes (150)

Dinner: (535)
bag of Gardetto's (375)
Fiber 1 bar (150)

Snacks: (440)
2 string cheese (160)
cookie pack (70)
1 cup of grapes (110)
Cheese-it pack (100)

P90X: Shoulders and Arms (60 min)


A Food Journal: Day 25

Breakfast: (275)
Special K cereal with 1 cup skim milk, 1/2 banana (110+90+45)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (185)
romaine lettuce, 1/4 cup mozzarella, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, deli sliced turkey, 2 Ritz crackers, balsamic vinaigrette (5+80+40+20+30+10)

Dinner: (310)
orange curry garlic chicken with onions, carrots, and green beans (160)
brown rice (150)

Snacks: (480)
cookie pack (100)
string cheese (80)
wheat pita with homemade hummus (150+50)
Cheese-it pack (100)


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 24

Breakfast: (180)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (380)
wheat pita pizza with 1/3 cup mozzarella, 2 Tbsp sauce, and 1 Tbsp Parmesan (150+120+15+10)
orange (85)

Dinner: (405)
El Dorado taco bake with tortilla chips, mozzarella, sour cream, sausage, green chilis (315)
1 cup milk (90)

Snacks: (620)
2 string cheese (160)
chocolate cake (for Erin's birthday) (300)
1 slice American cheese (60)
Cheese-it pack (100)

P90X: Kenpo X


A Food Journal: Day 23

Breakfast: (340)
sesame bagel with neufchatel cheese (240+70)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (420)
garlic and onion chicken and mushrooms (170)
brown rice (150)
Keebler cookie pack (100)

Dinner: (275)
Romaine with 1/4 cup mozzarella, 4 baby carrots, pulled chicken and 1 Tbsp fat-free balsamic vinaigrette (5+80+20+60+10)
grapes (100)

Snacks: (70)
1 slice of American cheese (70)

yoga and weights (45 min)


Monday, May 23, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 22

Breakfast: (150)
Special K with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
diet coke

Lunch: (320)
garlic and onion chicken and mushrooms (170)
brown rice (150)

Dinner: (265)
Michelina's Lean Gourmet Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy (180)
pear (85)

Snacks: (480)
Cheese-it pack (100)
2 string cheese (180)
wheat pita pocket with homemade hummus (90+30)
cookie pack (100)
Oats'n'honey cereal dry (150)

Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred: Level 1 (20 min)
Yoga and abs (30 min)


A Food Journal: Day 21

Breakfast: (210)
1/2 honey wheat bagel with neufchatel cheese (120+40)
coffee with cream and Truvia (50)

Lunch: (325)
turkey and American cheese sandwich with lite mayo and homemade hummus (50+60+90+20+15)
banana (90)

Dinner: (830)
Jimmy John's Vito, special (510+60)
Reduced fat potato chips (260)

Snacks: (5)
stick of gum (5)


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seventh Frog

This frog will eventually be a height chart for Z.  For now the frog itself is finished.

Sixth Frog

Fifth Frog

Fourth Frog

I finished painting this frog for Zidane's nursery mural the weekend of Valentine's Day but I just uploaded the pics off the camera tonight (and back then I was in one of my dry spells of blogger posting).  So here's the progress shots:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 20

Breakfast: ( 180)
Special K cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (150)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (520)
Zesty turkey burger on wheat bun with American cheese slice, ketchup, mayo (290+60+15+45)
fries with olive oil cooking spray (110)

Dinner: (320)
sauteed garlic and onion chicken and mushrooms (170)
rice (150)
diet coke

Snacks: (295)
banana (90)
string cheese (80)
wheat pita pocket with homemade hummus (90+30)
stick of gum (5)

P90X: Shoulders and Arms (60 min)


Friday, May 20, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 19

Breakfast: (95)
apple (65)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (255)
wheat pita pocket with turkey, hummus and mozzarella (90+25+60+40)
1/4 cup cottage cheese (40)

Dinner: (685)
sesame bagel with neufchatel cheese (240+70)
bag of Gardettos (375)

Snacks: (300)
slice of wheat crust pepperoni pizza (120)
string cheese (80)
banana (90)
2 sticks of gum (10)

yoga and weights (approx 45 min)


A Food Journal: Day 18

Breakfast: (210)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (180)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (325)
wheat pita pocket pizza, sauce, pepperoni, an mozzarella (180+15+50+80)

Dinner: (610)
Subway Club 6" on wheat with provolone, lettuce, onion and light mayo (310+50+40)
Garden Salsa Sunchips (210)

Snacks: (280)
grapes (50)
string cheese (80)
wheat pita pocket with slice of American cheese (90+60)

yoga and weights (45 min)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 17

Breakfast: (190)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (170)
coffee with cream and Truvia (20)

Lunch: (385)
2 eggs scrambled with 1/8 cup mozzarella (140+40)
2 pieces of whole wheat toast (140)
3/4 banana (65)

Dinner: (355)
grilled pork chop with marinade (130+65)
rice with sauteed veggies (75+85)

Snacks: (360)
2 string cheese (160)
slice of fruit pizza (approx 100)
Cheese nips pack (100)


A Food Journal: Day 16

Breakfast: (200)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (180)
coffee with cream and Truvia (20)

Lunch: (460)
Turkey/American cheese/mayo/lettuce on sesame bagel (140+240)
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese (80)

Dinner: (420)
grilled chicken with noodles and soy sauce (150+100+15)
veggie medley cooked in olive oil- celery, carrots, green pepper, green/yellow onion, mushroom, garlic, water chestnut (80+75)

Snacks: (105)
Cheese nips pack (100)
stick of gum (5)

1.8 mile walk
(5 hours of housework)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 15

Breakfast: (260)
oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk (160+50)
coffee with cream and Truvia (50)

Lunch: (395)
salmon (110+60)
sweet potato fries (225)

Dinner: (350)
Michelina's chicken and fettuccine alfredo (250)
Oreo pack (100)
diet coke

Snacks: (360)
2 string cheese (160)
penne with alfredo (200)

Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred: Level 1 (20 min)
P90X: Yoga X


A Food Journal: Day 14

Breakfast: (230)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (170)
coffee with cream and Truvia (60)

Lunch: (415)
bread wrapped cheesy turkey bratwurst   with ketchup (400+15)
diet coke

Dinner: (200)
grilled cheese sandwich (200)
small orange (45)

Snacks: (360)
2 string cheese (160)
Oreo pack(100)
Cheese Nips pack (100)


Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 13

Breakfast: (265)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1 cup skim milk (130+90)
coffee with cream and Truvia (45)

Lunch: (825)
Subway foot-long sweet onion chicken teriyaki on whole wheat with provolone and lettuce (750)
lite mayo (75)
diet coke

Dinner: (730)
hamburger on bun with American cheese, ketchup, lite mayo (330+15+45+120+60)
sweet potato fries (160)

Snacks: (-)

P90X: Kenpo X (60 min)
weight lifting (20)
(rummage sale, all day)


Friday, May 13, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 12

Breakfast: (320)
sesame bagel with neufchatel cheese (270)
coffee with cream and Truvia (50)

Lunch: (480)
Huhot: beef/chicken, cabbage, carrots, sunflower seeds and sauces (380)
white rice (100)
diet coke

Dinner: (470)
cheesy turkey bratwurst wrapped in bread, pigs-in-a-blanket-style (400)
garlic/green onion mashed potato/cauliflower (70)

Snacks: (180)
string cheese (80)
Oreo pack (100)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 11

Breakfast: (200)
Oats'n'Honey with 1/2 cup skim milk (170)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (130)
1/2 cup garlic/green onion mashed cauliflower with 1/8 cup mozzarella cheese (45+20)
1/2 hot dog (65)

Dinner: (590)
Shake'n'bake chicken with alfredo penne and mozzarella cheese (40+150+110+180+40)+30)
1/2 cup pineapple (40)
diet coke

Snacks: (320)
string cheese (80)
5 Ritz crackers (80)
slice of American cheese (60)
oreo snack pack (100)

Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred Level 1 (20 min)
6-pack Ab Calorie Burn (10 min)
Bikini Blast Circuit (30 min)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Homemade Hoisin Marinade and Mongolian Beef (pork) Recipe

Marinade 1 lb of cubed beef or pork for 1-2 hrs in:
4 Tbsp rice vinegar
3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp chopped garlic
1 Tbsp peanut butter (low sodium)
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp sesame oil or tahini
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (more or less to taste)

Strain mean; set marinade aside.
Saute meat in  2-3 tsp extra virgin olive oil.
Remove meat from pan, keep warm.
Saute 5 chopped green  onions in rest of oil,
3-5 min until crispy.

Add to marinade and blend till smooth:
1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp sesame oil or tahini

Add Mixture to onions and boil for 2 min,
until thick.  Add meat, heat through.

Prepare 4 servings of either 5-minute brown rice
or slow-cooking brown rice (45-50 min).


Makes 4-5 servings (260-300 calories)

I made an addition to my recipe this evening.  After removing the meat from the pan but before sauteing the onions, I sauteed chopped asparagus (1" spears) for about 5 minutes in a little of the oil.  I used only 2 tsp of oil on the meat and saved 1 tsp for the asparagus to get a nice sear before putting the sauce back in to reduce.  I also mixed the rice right into the meat and sauce mixture.  It really was delicious...I look forward to the leftovers.

A Food Journal: Day 10

Breakfast: (200)
Oats'n'Honey with 1/2 cup skim milk (170)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (290)
Michelina's Lean Gourmet Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy (190)
grapes (100)
diet coke

Dinner: (385)
Mongolian beef with asparagus and brown rice (260)
Vitamin Water (125)

Snacks: (425)
3 string cheese (240)
banana (100)
pita chips (70)
3 sticks of gum (15)

Namaste Yoga (15 min)
5 mile walk


I used a few recipes I found online with a few tweaks to make it healthier and made a most masterfully amazing Mongolian beef with brown rice and asparagus.  It's shocking how healthy it turned out to be.  I'll post the recipe later.  It was totally worth the hot'n'sweaty hike down Cliff hill to the market and then back up it pushing Z in the stroller the whole way.  I needed soy sauce but Terri didn't leave me the carseat so we had to walk to the closest local that carried it 2.25 miles away.  I got sunburned like whoa too.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 9

Breakfast: (200)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk (170)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (595)
banana (100)
turkey/cheese/lite mayo sandwich on sesame bagel (75+160+20+240)
diet coke

Dinner: (185)
cantaloupe (100)
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese (80)
cauliflower (5)

Snacks: (355)
3 sticks of gum (15)
string cheese (80)
honey wheat pita with homemade hummus (90+50)
2 slices of American cheese (120)


I didn't get a workout in today because I got called in to work early again because Linda called in sick. Again.  I got an extra 4 hours in, which was nice but I used the morning to purge my closet again for our rummage sale.  I do have the next 4 days at home with Z with no work (unless I get called in, knock on wood).  I can tight the strings on the diet and do multiple workouts.  Plus playing with Z can be a workout in itself.

Jungle Babies Nursery Mural

I don't think I ever got around to posting pictures of the Jungle nursery mural I did for Ella's room.  I'm still working on Z's frog mural and I've got an aquarium themed mural for Jon and Marcy's little one.  The album that is this slide show has all the progress shots in backwards order.  One of these days I'll get the originals back on my computer and upload individual final shots to post.  For now:


This whole food journal thing isn't the first time I keep track of what I ate over a period of time...
Back in 2007, I participated in a basic drawing class homework exercise that I initially thought was bullshit.  It was early in the semester and I was still feeling out the teacher a little bit in terms of his methods, discussion tactics, and leniency in terms of interpretation/attendance.  I remember the class was a Monday/Wednesday-nights-from-6-9pm class.  He gave us the basic task of tracking everything that we ate or drank (as I took to mean consume in general) from the end of class one Wednesday night til the following Monday's class.  Five days.  I was pretty pissy about the assignment and used my frustration to spur a strange abstraction of what I really consumed that week.  The drawings are geometric deconstructions of everything that passed my lips during that 5 days.  Upon returning to class, I found I was one of the half in the class that actually accomplished the assignment and one of the very few who took it very seriously.  Like I said, my frustration with being assigned such a juvenile task drove me to invent a way to make it more interesting to me.  I feel it turned into playful depiction of a third-year art school student's diet.  Knowing what foods I consumed then makes me cringe now a little but really that's part of the college experience.  I mean, I'm pretty sure one of these drawings represents a strawberry strudel pastry and blazing buffalo Doritos!  At any rate, I rarely get to share the book that this project spawned one of my few prized artist books.
So here it is: Consumption

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 8

I thought earlier when I posted that I wasn't going to do well today, but I stayed under 1500 calories (though admittedly a lot of what I ate wasn't the best for me).  Again, it was a holiday.  And, I've got to be able to splurge now and then.  As long as I make up for it with a vigorous workout or two, it's fine.  So here's today's tally:

Breakfast: (540)
honey oat bagel with neufchatel cheese (310)
fruit with Wilton chocolate melts, pineapple, strawberry, apple, cantaloupe (120+30+10+25+15)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (290)
2 string cheese (160)
pineapple ring (30)
cheese nips (100)
diet coke

Dinner: (425)
2 slices of gyro pizza from Big Cheese (approx. 425)

Snacks: (70)
2 Twizzlers (70)

P90X: Cardio X (45 min)
6-pack Ab Calorie Burn (10 min)
Strong and Sexy Upper Body Burn (10 min)


As an aside, Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.  Especially mine, because she's the best.  And all others who were supposed to be mothers once but aren't now...this day didn't really feel that great in that respect.  For that, I'm having a glass of wine to toast my dead child and I'm not going to count it.  So there.

A Food Journal: Day 7

It's days like yesterday that I knew I wouldn't want to do this but just to prove myself wrong I will anyways.  I went with all my family ladies and kids, ie: Mom, Jess and Ella, Marcy and Chloe, Terri and Z to the annual Avera Race Against Breast Cancer.  We did the family fun 1.5 mile walk as per usual.  I wish we could do the 3 mile walk again like we did before all the kids were born.  But Marcy is 33 weeks along in her pregnancy so with the addition of the walk from and to the cars the 1.5 mile walk was plenty.  The one big downfall of the whole morning was the consumption of our traditional post-race breakfast.  We went to Perkins like usual (it used to be Denny's until it became overrun with other race-goers).  And against my better judgment, I ordered based on what I was craving rather than what I knew would be better for me.  That's how I pretty much blew this whole day calorie-wise.  Just goes to show how much eating out can affect your whole plan...  In my defense, though I know it's not a good excuse, it was a celebration and a tradition to go out.  Plus Marcy's baby shower in the afternoon didn't help the diet...I guess it's my cheat day.  And I have a whole week now to bust ass before next week's weigh in.

Breakfast: (130)
banana (100)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (1700)
Perkins Buffalo Chicken Wrap with fries (1700)
2 diet coke

Dinner: (225+)
Pineapple, watermelon (30+15)
carrots, cauliflower, veggie dip (10+5+20)
fruit salsa with cinnamon pita chips (approx 150)
2 party mints, handful of mixed nuts, homemade chocolate chip cookie ball (unknown)

Snacks: (340)
2 sticks of gum (10)
string cheese (80)
pita chips and homemade hummus (250)

Avera Race Against Breast Cancer (2 hrs)
P90X: Kenpo X (60 min)


Bad Ashley.  I tried to burn as many calories as possible during the day to balance my intake.  For example, I put Chloe up on my shoulders for the warmup before the race and for the stretch of the race where we walked past her other grandmother's house.  I actually didn't do it intentionally but Jessica noticed that Kathy was out on her driveway half a block off the race path waving so Chloe was able to see her from up on my shoulders and wave back.  She was kinda wild up there, especially watching what Ella was doing on Jessica's shoulders.  Of course Ella's a lot smaller.  Chloe, at 36 lbs, was plenty of weight lifting.  I was pretty sweaty by the end since it got warm out so quickly.  Last year it was frigid cold.  We showed up but we didn't actually do the walk since we had 2 new babies and Terri still recovering from her C-section.  So this year we were all pretty famished by the end of it.  Maybe next year I'll suggest we change the tradition a little again and go somewhere healthier.  Also after I let my big lunch settle in a little I did Kenpo X with long sleeves and pants on.  I thought that would be a great way to sweat out some of the ridiculous sodium that was in that wrap and fries.  I inadvertently wiped myself out though and ended up in bed around 10, asleep by 10:30.  I got up late and went to breakfast at Mom and Dad's for Mother's Day around 10 this morning.  Now, I've gotta go squeeze in a workout before I have to get ready for work.  I'll post later on today's food consumption entry...

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 6

Breakfast: (310)
Oats'n'Honey cereal with 1 cup skim milk and 1/2 a banana (130+90+60)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (285)
honey wheat pita pocket pizza (90+100+45)
1 cup of strawberries(50)

Dinner: (220)
Michelina's Lean Gourmet cheese stuffed rigatoni (220)
Vitamin Water Zero

Snacks: (425)
3 sticks of gum (15)
2 string cheese(160)
pita chips and hummus (250)

Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Level 2 (20 min)


Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 5

Breakfast: (135)
banana (100)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (455)
sauteed salmon with onion and garlic (110+15+40+30)
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese (80)
pita chips and homemade hummus (140+40)

Dinner: (620)
turkey and American cheese sandwich on wheat with lettuce and lite mayo (50+20+60+140)
Chevy's tortilla chips and salsa (350)

Snacks: (395)
string cheese (80)
Oreo thin crisps (100)
3 sticks of gum (15)
shredded wheat cereal (200)


Tasty Lentils and Rice Recipe

When I first made this recipe it was when Terri was in Vegas.  Aaron didn't like it all that well but even he could appreciate that it was pretty damn healthy.

Mujadrah: Spicy Lentils and Rice Recipe

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 4

Breakfast: (280)
lightly frosted shredded wheat with skim milk (220)
coffee with cream and Truvia (60)

Lunch: (360)
bagel with fried egg and 1 slice American cheese (230+70+60)
2 diet coke

Dinner: (410)
Chicken breast marinaded in pineapple/garlic/Worcestershire sauce (120+80)
Caribbean jerk baked potato fries and 1 tablespoon fat-free sour cream (100+40+15)
1 cup cantaloupe (55)

Snacks: (485)
string cheese (80)
cheese nips (100)
banana (100)
gum (5)
shredded wheat (200)

Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Level 1 (20 min)


A goal has been set which will be reached.

I've decided that if I can keep up with my new short-term goal, I most certainly can update my blog more than once per month.  I don't really have any good excuses for not posting in my free time...just that the weather is finally nice enough to enjoy going for walks and riding my bike outside, so those have been bigger priorities.  That and the rest of my workout/diet plan.  I'm down to the last month before summer and if I want to reach my New Year's Resolution goal of a sexy beach body with some ab definition, to be strong and lean by June, I need to up my game.  Soooo... the goal now is to keep diligent track of what I'm eating and what I'm doing for a workout.  I've given myself the short-term goal of May 31st.  I started May 1st (will back post food entries).  If I get where I want to be by the end of the month, I may continue to track myself for awhile just to keep training myself to maintain.  Being only 4 days in so far, I already think this is going to be the key to losing those last pesky pounds.  While I am primarily keeping track in a small notebook, I'm doing a lot of research online on the foods I'm consuming and how they work together to help me reach my goal.  I also plan on sharing my diet and exercise journal here on my blog.  I've found countless tips from many a blog about fitness and exercise; so here's adding my application of various methods of losing weight to the collective unconscious of the internet.  Maybe some who needs help reaching their weight loss goals will read it and be educated.  Anyways, that's my cheesy goal.  But I will reach it, damn it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 3

Breakfast: (235)
oatmeal with skim milk (205)
coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (380)
whole wheat pita pizza with sauce, 6 pepperoni and 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella (150+100+55+15)
strawberries (55)

Dinner: (460)
brown rice with soy/garlic/ginger/onion chicken breast (150+60+150)
banana (100)

Snacks: (370)
2 string cheese (160)
2 sticks of gum (10)
1 cup shredded wheat (200)

P90X: Yoga X (90 min)


Monday, May 2, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 2

Breakfast: (235)
Oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk (205)
Coffee with cream and Truvia (30)

Lunch: (315)
Lentils and Rice + turkey sausage + shredded mozzarella (200+75+40)
Diet coke

Dinner: (680)
microwave pizza (380)
tomato basil bagel with neufchatel cheese (300)

Snacks: (375)
2 string cheese (160)
banana (100)
3 sticks of gum (15)

P90X: Kenpo X (60 min)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Food Journal: Day 1

Today is the first day of my food journal.  I'm keeping track of all my food and my workouts for the month of May in a little notebook.  I decided to share on here my blog because I really think it'll be the tool that helps me get rid of these pesky last pounds.  That and I want a more public record of my efforts.  This first day is not to be a testament of the future days and weeks.  Totally unforeseen by me, I ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings tonight with Matt, Angela, and Jon...

Breakfast: (360)
Tomato basil bagel with neufchatel cheese (300)
Hazelnut coffee with cream andTruvia x2 (60)

Lunch: (480)
1 1/2 whole wheat pita bread with homemade hummus (220+100)
2 string cheese (160)
pomegranate green tea with Truvia

Dinner: (1120)
Buffalo Wild Wings Buffalo Chicken Ranch Wrap (1020)
tortilla chips with salsa (100)
2 diet coke

Snacks: (110)
1/2 cup baby carrots (10)
orange (85)
3 sticks of gum (15)

 Jillian's 30 Day Shred: Level 1 (20 min)


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where does the time go?

I really don't understand's been another week since I posted last.  LAME.

I guess I have been hitting the workouts pretty hard this past 2 weeks.  I feel like I've sort of hit a wall, or a plateau, if you will.  I've been losing less than a pound a week for the last month.  While that's ok, any loss is a loss, I want to expedite this process a little bit so that I can actually reach my goal.  My goal is to be unafraid to show off my beach body this summer and that will include some serious ab definition.  I'm getting closer at just over 10 pounds lost but I've got another 10-12 to go before I get to my real goal weight.  I can already visually tell the difference in some parts of my body.  Last weekend I actually went out running a couple of the evenings.  I was surprised to find it was easier than I remember it being.  It was more like interval training since I don't have the best endurance (never have).  But Sunday, while I was working, my dad brought my bicycle over.  I ended up going for a ride Monday morning before work, and Tuesday and last night after dinner.  Hopefully the change in my workout will be beneficial this Saturday on the scale.  I've still been doing yoga and some P90X (like kenpo x, cardio x, yoga x) here and there.  My main struggle is with the diet.  I'm not willing to totally give up all of the things that I love.  I've done really well at cutting out most of the sugar I used to eat.  But my biggest bugaboo is cheese.  I love love love me some cheese.  I've been working on eating slowly, often and in moderation. 

Another project I've been spending a lot of time on is my handbook for my crochet class.  It's going fairly well, though I wish I could work faster.   I've put together most of the first lesson, which includes how to hold the hook and the yarn, how to make a slipknot, chain stitch, turning chains, single crochet, double crochet, half-double crochet and gauge.  I'm working now on finishing the pictures for all of those instructions as well as a resource section that includes an abbreviation list, a crochet dictionary, and information about yarns and hooks.  I'm also including a tutorial on how to read crochet patterns alongside each stitch's instructions.  All in all, I think it's going to be a great tool for my beginner students.  And honestly, if I had had a handbook like this when I was first learning to crochet I could have easily taught myself, and quickly at that.

On to a totally unrelated subject, today is my niece Ella's 1st birthday.  One year ago tonight I held my newborn niece for the first time less than an hour after she was born.  Next Wednesday is Zidane's birthday so this Saturday we're having a double 1st birthday party.  It's gonna be a lunch cookout on Aaron and Terri's new grill.  A good time will be had by all.  Also, Saturday is Mom's 10-year cancer-free anniversary.  The whole family is going out for dinner to celebrate.  I'm sooooo excited!

Well, I think that's all for now.  I can't guarantee that it won't be another week before I post again, but I'm hoping and I'll try...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I miss art school.

I found this movie on TMC this morning that has made me severely miss being an integral part of a fine art community.  Don't get me wrong, I love the art that I am involved with now.  But I really want to be a part of something bigger and different.  I don't think I'm ever going to get the art community I'm looking for here in SoDak.  Too many people here only want to see art by commercial artists like Terry Redlin, John Crane, John Green, Mark Anderson, and Thomas Kincade.  Yawn.  Not that commercial art is bad.  I quite honestly might sell out a little in order to fund the art I'm really passionate about.  It's just that in this part of the country, most folks want to see pictures of wildlife and nature and the same old boring crap they see when they go outside.  I'd rather enjoy nature firsthand than second- or third-hand in a painting of nature or a print of a painting of nature.  That's just my preference.  But living here and working at a frame shop, most of the art I see is of nature.  I want to go to a gallery and see an artwork that doesn't make sense at first or that elicits some sort of response, be it physical, emotional, psychological.  I'm just bored I guess.  I think I need to visit more actual galleries.  I need some sort of artistic dialogue.  I need my artist friends to want to have an in depth art based conversation.  I just need more.  And what I really want is for my work to be in a gallery, even a commercial one.

The movie that prompted these strong feelings: (Untitled).

"Everyone has an opinion.  The artist must find meaning in the process."

Maybe my process of getting into a gallery includes working as a commercial framer, a children's art teacher and a crochet instructor.  I never thought I'd say this but I really enjoy sharing knowledge with anyone interested enough to listen.  When I was younger I told myself I never wanted to be a teacher.  Though it's not ultimately what I want for my life, I do like it.

Back to the movie: totally bizaaro ending, just exactly as it should be.   :)

What is it with this cat and public bathing?

Seriously.  One of the cats I live with has an unrelenting tendency to hide out all day long until the rest of the household comes home; then he sits in plain view and bathes.  It's repulsive.  He knows I hate it and yet he does it every single day.

I just have to say that while I can't guarantee that I'll never live with a cat after living here, I can say with 100% certainty that I will never own my own cat.  Aside from my slight allergy, I just don't love them enough.  Actually, they kind of annoy me.

And that's how I feel about cats.  The end.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I AM posting later!!! I posted earlier for the first time in 2 weeks and after all these times of saying I'm going to post and not posting I figure I owe a logical explanation...
Well, after much calculating and a lot of diagnostics I have discovered one crucial bit of knowledge...I am hopelessly, utterly and irrevocably addicted to Boy Meets World.
On a whim awhile back I looked up some links to the show and inadvertently found unlimited access to the show at:

I've been binge-watching ever since...and who wonders why?     And now, back to the show...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Uuuugghh, It's been 2 weeks already!

Once again I must scold myself for being a crappy blogger.  I actually even looked at my blog on Sunday, thought the same thing as I am now and then closed the browser.  Life's been crazy and busy since my last post...

Actually the day after my last post I had a birthday at the Pavilion followed by my mom's birthday dinner at Qdoba.  The following Tuesday was Angela's birthday which we ended up celebrating last Saturday night with the tasty first cookout of the season, tons of liquor and our first sleepover. 
Then last Sunday started the Wellness Challenge at Michaels.  I've submitted my steps diligently every day so far and have thus been entered in the prize drawing.  Since I won the pedometer, I've been tracking the steps I've been taking as well as the conversions for other activities.  I've come to realize after watching myself over the course of this week's Z-days that I have a  problem with getting my daily number of steps in if I do not supplement the day's walking with exercise.  Though the wellness challenge is only counting steps, it's keeping me accountable for being active every single day.  Like the number on the pedometer screen by early afternoon is so low that I have to compensate for it by vigorously working out.  Tuesday I did Kenpo X in the evening, which is an hour.  Wednesday I did the 90-minute Yoga X.  Yesterday I started the Legs/Back/Ab Ripper X workout and had only done 30 minutes of it when Aaron came home early and wanted to do his workout of Kenpo X.  So I did that with him instead of finishing the legs and back or starting Ab Ripper.  Later I went for a walk with Terri; she's been going every night but it was my first tag-along.  I may do Core Synergistics or Cardio X this afternoon before work... After a couple crappy weigh-ins this week is gonna be the big one, hopefully.

Most of my spare time (beyond exercise time) this past couple weeks has been spent preparing for my crochet class at Michaels.  I've also started the after school art program with the Pavilion.  I go visit a couple of middle schools on Mondays and Tuesdays to teach the after school crowd some arty things.

Ahh I hear the Z-man cooing, finally up for the day.  I'll try not to wait so long to post again.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Random Bit of the Day

I've always disliked cooking and found myself drawn to folks who know how to cook and cook very well.  Well, now in my quest for healthy yet delicious alternatives to the many tasty temptations of the world, I'm slowly learning more about how to cook (and kind of enjoying it too!).  I used this website's brilliantly easy tutorial on how to saute chicken.  I would very much like to try to make a risotto the next dinner I cook for the household.  It would give them the chance to work out like they've been doing after work this past couple weeks and me the chance to practice my kitchen prowess.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Random Bit of the Day

Just read this interesting article about home remedies:

7 Home Remedies That Actually Work

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's a long and late one...

I've been a bad bad blogger... I know, it's been a whole week since my last post.  But in my defense, I had the flu last week.  I actually tried to do another P90X workout last Tuesday when I was overcome with nausea and dizziness.  I thought it was just muscle fatigue from the other 2 workouts but it was unfortunately the onset of a nasty case of the flu.  I actually missed work Wednesday night because of it.  I also had a crappy weight loss week too...stayed pretty much the same.  I guess I'd rather have it be that way than have lost a few pounds due to dehydration and gain it back this week.
I hosted a princess-themed birthday party at the Wash Pav on Saturday which was INSANE.  I had to paint 14 six-year-old girls' faces.  I think I'm going to have to practice on Chloe (and likely myself) a little bit for next time so that I can move a little more quickly.  Either that or request another host to help with that many kiddos.  I'm trying to get more parties progressively and I'm pretty sure I will be helping out with the Action Arts after school program with the Pavilion.  Hopefully that'll bring some extra income in.

I'm also knee-deep in the certification course for the crocheting class that I will be teaching at Michaels very very soon.  I haven't got any classes scheduled yet but I've started to make my samples and think about how I'm going teach each stitch and technique.  I'm actually surprised at how much work is involved in the class certification, but I don't really mind.  It's like a refresher course for me and I'm sure I'll learn some new things to add to my ever-growing arsenal.

I didn't do much along the lines of working out while I was ill last week so today was the day to ease myself back into it.  I did my 45 minute-long yoga video Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss plus I shoveled the driveway which took about 40 minutes.  I think the video has gradually become too easy for me.  I've been trying to get Terri to try it or Angela to borrow it because it was a great tool for me to begin yoga.  However, I used to do yoga to that dvd very consistently (ie nearly daily) the summer I lived in Lisle and it, like I said, is no longer challenging.  The Namaste Yoga show, on one hand is almost elementary in some aspects, but on the other hand they frequently toss in such advanced poses that I couldn't even dream of doing at my best.  Since I discovered the P90X yoga is quite challenging and though there are a couple impossible poses, it is very doable.  Therefore, it will henceforth be my go-to yoga workout.

Speaking of workouts, Michaels just started this new sort of wellness plan; I got the info for it on Sunday.  The deal is that if I registered online at this website ( yesterday as early as 7 am, I'd be part of this challenge for which there are many killer awesome prizes.  Since I was one of the first 5000 Michaels employees to register I get a kit that includes a pedometer and a few other coolish things.  The actual challenge doesn't start until Sunday March 20th.  It goes for 4 weeks.  The premise is to count one's steps (hence the pedometer) in every day and log them on the website.  For every day that I reach just 10,000 steps I'll be entered into a drawing for some weekly prizes like gift cards.  I'll also be entered in a drawing to win a Grand Prize of a Wii Fit, Kinect with Dance Central, or a gym membership.  As I said, the actual challenge won't start until March 20th (by then I'll have the pedometer) but I was able to go on the website and convert my 2 main workouts for today into 'steps' and just those 2 without any of my other actual 'steps' added up to 10912 steps!  I've totally got this thing in the bag if I can be diligent about recording my steps, wear my pedometer every day, and make sure I post my steps on the website.  Actually getting the required 10,000 steps, I foresee, will be the easiest part.  I really want some cool prizes!

Well, this afternoon I decided to use my old bananas to make some tasty, healthy banana bread.  This is the recipe that I used:  Healthy Banana Bread Recipe  The only difference was that I did not have wheat flour so I used white through and through.  Also, when Aaron got home he said Terri was going to do P90X with him and asked if I could make dinner.  I ended up making something incredibly tasty on the fly.  It went a little something like this:
 In a cake pan pour one can of cream of chicken soup, one can of water, and one cup of long-stem (slow cook) brown rice.  Mix in some veggies; I used green beans, cut up baby carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower.  Season the mix with minced garlic, chives, ginger, and minced onions as well as a couple tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce (all of mine were dried seasonings but of course fresh is best).  Then bury 3 lean boneless chicken breasts in the mixture.  Bake it at 425 degrees Fahrenheit covered in foil for 30 min.  Remove the foil, stir, bake for another 15-20 minutes or until the rice cooked to desired consistency.  Soooooo good!
I thought it was pretty delicious for being completely made up.  And also, I think it was fairly healthy too.  I think I should try making up recipes more often! :D

Well, this novel of a post will teach me to not go so long between posts anymore.  I can't promise anything, but I'll try to be a more diligent blogger instead of the bad kid that hardly ever posts...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Holy Crazy Workout Batman!

OMG.  Aaron just got the workout dvds for P90X from Jon and Marcy last weekend.  Well, I tried the Cardio X workout on Sunday which is approximately 45 minutes of extremely effective but mostly not very difficult exercises.  Then last night I got about 45 minutes into the Yoga X workout.  That was actually only halfway through the whole thing, but I did it after a quick episode of Namaste Yoga beforehand, about 15 minutes.  My legs feel CRAZY today.  I was looking for a workout that would be more challenging for my leg muscles and I've most definitely found it.   I would very much like to try another of the P90X workouts today if I can handle it.  I may try one that focuses on either arms or abs.  If I can I want to do as much of 1 X workout every day this week.  Then Saturday's weigh in should look really good.  I think that though I did lose 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks (bringing my running total loss since New Years to just under 11 pounds, yay me!), I can still pull a loss if I do the workouts daily.  I am pretty pleased with my progress thus far and I think I'm doing really well at integrating exercise into my daily routine.  Yesterday I went to the mall with Angela for a little while.  We ended up bringing lunch back to the apartment for us and Matt.  She's told me how she's had some difficulties being consistent in going to the gym lately and asked if they could potentially come over to work out here with me.  I think that would be awesome.  I've been kinda getting over my anxiety about working out around people.  I actually get excited to tell people about new workout videos or tips I've found.  Sometime show them; or they show me.  I'm pretty happy that I've been keeping up on this particular resolution so resolutely.  I'm well on my way to my better beach body.  Go me!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Internet: your slowness is seriously pissing me off...

Love, Ashley

I've been watching the Academy Awards since about a half hour in and I've been very entertained despite having only seen a couple of the movies.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and was pleased to see it won the awards for best costume design and best art direction.  And now after seeing some of the other wins, my goal is to at least see Inception and The Social Network.  I've been holding off on seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 since I really want to see the second one right after the first.  I guess eventually I'll get around to seeing all of the wonderful films nominated tonight.  I just do things on my own time line. 

Friday, February 25, 2011


If you haven't already been watching Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, you fucking should be!  I just finished watching the season finale a bit ago and it was FANTASTICALLY AMAZING AWESOMENESS TO THE MIZZITY MAXIMUS!!!  I have watched every episode except last week's the night and time it originally aired.  I actually watched last weeks ep this afternoon, unfortunately on the burn tv.  However, it totally amped me up for tonight's finale which absolutely blew my mind (much like many previous episodes have).  I'm totally stoked for the next season.  It is extremely unfortunate that the actor that plays the character of Spartacus, Andy Whitfield, has melanoma and actually, from what I've heard, has been recast.  I hope from the depths of my soul that he recovers and quickly because no one deserves the pain and heartache that cancer brings.

Whatever though, Gannicus and Crixus are super fine and made my night super-fly.  Now I'm watching the new Fatal Attractions which will be followed shortly by bedtime (since coffee is here tomorrow around 8ish).  And tomorrow's my weekly weigh-in...wish me luck!  I lost a whopping 4 lbs last week so I'm not expecting anything huge, but I've added some new moves to my workout and have been extremely consistent so it should pay off!

Random Bit of the Day

I think the reason blogger was being janky last night and not loading properly had everything to do with the fact that I was trying to stream a movie online...
I was browsing one of my favorite movie streaming sites looking for something good to watch when I happened upon the original 1974 version of The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.  I had no idea that the 2009 version was a remake!  I totally loved The Taking of Pelham 123 with John Travolta and Denzel Washington.  After finding out that Walter Mathau was in the original, I felt I just had to see it.  I did a little research while waiting for my video to load and found that the original dispatcher's name was Lt. Zachary Garber but the remade character's name was Walter Garber.  It's a nice touch and a cool tribute to the late great Walter Mathau.  I didn't end up watching much but the intro to the old movie since it hadn't finished loading and I had to get to bed for today's early rising.  But I will be watching the rest of it when I can and I expect that it will be just as awesome as the remake.

Lucid Dream

I just had the most obnoxious lucid dream.  I woke up at 6:30 this morning since it's Friday and both Aaron and Terri go in at 7.  Z was already up by then.  So I fed him early cuz he was whimpering like he was hungry but after that he was just whiny.  I tried snuggling him for about an hour but he wouldn't fall asleep and eventually he started to buck and fight again.  So I got him a warm sippy and he fell asleep drinking it on the floor.  I put him in his bed and succeeded in falling asleep myself on the couch.  It is there where I experienced a lucid dream the likes of which I haven't had for a very long time...

I was watching Z at a completely different house, but for some reason it was actually theirs.  I wasn't living with them though, just sitting for them.  I remember that they had just moved in so there were boxes everywhere.  At one point I was working out and happened upon 3 piles of cat vomit in close proximity to my hand weights.  Later I found 3 more in the doorway to their bedroom.  At any rate, the day was today since I have a phone interview at 1 this afternoon.  I laid down on the couch to nap while Z was napping and suddenly it was 4:45 in the evening and Aaron was arriving home from work.  I looked at him in shock and cried that I had missed my interview.  I scrambled around to get my computer and send the company an email explaining that I needed to reschedule. 

At that point I sat bolt upright and stared at the clock in disbelief.  It was just a dream and it was only 10 am.  I can barely describe the feeling of panic the dream drove into me.  I will NOT be missing this interview this afternoon.  I have every intention of making sure Z is fully fed; if he's tired, I'll get him down for a nap.  And if he's awake and content, I'll put him in his saucer to watch an episode of the Smurfs.  Whatever happens, I'll be making that phone call and participating in that interview.

Oh yea, blogger was being lame-o last night when I was trying to post about my job interview today.  The place I've been corresponding with back and forth via email since Wednesday morning has agreed to do a phone interview today.  I'm not holding my breath about getting the job but I am very glad to already have an opportunity at my feet.  I will just have to wait and see how it pans out...and I will, of course, post an update either way.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beck - Peaches & Cream

I freaking love this song!

Zeds Dead - White Satin

Jason sent me a link a couple nights ago to a site with some pretty sweet music mixes. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that the title of the set is actually a descriptor but they are good. I like the first one but this the second one was awesome.
Panty Dropping Dubstep on