Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Move it

I've spent the bulk of my online time today putting together this list of links to exercises I may want to integrate into my workout and some that I already consistently do*.  I may add more eventually cuz I'm feeling lean and mean after a couple hearty workouts today (while Z was napping and after Aaron came home and that ugly post earlier).  I hope I don't cave later and have more of a snack than this banana I just grabbed from the kitchen.  I've been working hard this week and with a few additions to my workout sequences I may have a really good weigh in/measure this Saturday.  I'd say right now that I do about 30% weight/strength training, 40% yoga, 20% cardio, and 10% free-form (dancing, tossing Z, etc).  I switch up my routine daily and try new things a lot.

Ab/Core Exercises:
*Core Strengthening Exercise
Ball Balance
Seated Torso Twist
Side Bridge with Hip Drops
Rotations on the Ball
Core Strengthen and Stretch
*Oblique Crunches

Leg Exercises:
Squat Modifications
*Quadruped Hip Extensions
*Step Ups

*Arm Exercises

Back Exercises:
Strengthen and Stretch
*Dumbbell Pullover
*Dumbbell Rows
*Back Extension

Yoga Poses:
Yoga and Pilates for Abs
*Mountain Pose
*Raised Hands Pose
*Standing Forward Bend
*Standing Straddle Forward Bend
*Downward-facing Dog
*Extended Side Angle Pose
*Extended Triangle Pose
*Warrior 1 Pose
*Warrior 2 Pose
Pyramid Pose
*Awkward Chair Pose
Lizard Pose
Reverse Warrior Pose
Revolved Side Angle Pose
Revolved Triangle Pose
Knee to Ankle Pose
Cow Face Pose
*Hero Pose
Lotus Pose
*Pigeon Pose
Bow Pose
Camel Pose
Fish Pose
*Locust Pose
*Upward Facing Dog
Side Plank Pose

I switch up my routine daily and try new things a lot.  However, I'm thinking of focusing more attention towards yoga and increasing my flexibility.  I don't think I'm quite back at the same level I was 5 years ago when I did yoga every single day.  But I think soon enough I will be and I want to actually surpass my abilities from before and start doing more advanced poses.  All the ones above here are beginner or intermediate and are all poses I can do (or try at least one rep of).  I think that if I slowly work at it I could eventually become really good at advanced yoga.

As a little aside, I'm watching Aaron play Dead Space 2 right now and hot damn is that shit brutal!  But kind of awesome too...

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