Friday, February 25, 2011

Lucid Dream

I just had the most obnoxious lucid dream.  I woke up at 6:30 this morning since it's Friday and both Aaron and Terri go in at 7.  Z was already up by then.  So I fed him early cuz he was whimpering like he was hungry but after that he was just whiny.  I tried snuggling him for about an hour but he wouldn't fall asleep and eventually he started to buck and fight again.  So I got him a warm sippy and he fell asleep drinking it on the floor.  I put him in his bed and succeeded in falling asleep myself on the couch.  It is there where I experienced a lucid dream the likes of which I haven't had for a very long time...

I was watching Z at a completely different house, but for some reason it was actually theirs.  I wasn't living with them though, just sitting for them.  I remember that they had just moved in so there were boxes everywhere.  At one point I was working out and happened upon 3 piles of cat vomit in close proximity to my hand weights.  Later I found 3 more in the doorway to their bedroom.  At any rate, the day was today since I have a phone interview at 1 this afternoon.  I laid down on the couch to nap while Z was napping and suddenly it was 4:45 in the evening and Aaron was arriving home from work.  I looked at him in shock and cried that I had missed my interview.  I scrambled around to get my computer and send the company an email explaining that I needed to reschedule. 

At that point I sat bolt upright and stared at the clock in disbelief.  It was just a dream and it was only 10 am.  I can barely describe the feeling of panic the dream drove into me.  I will NOT be missing this interview this afternoon.  I have every intention of making sure Z is fully fed; if he's tired, I'll get him down for a nap.  And if he's awake and content, I'll put him in his saucer to watch an episode of the Smurfs.  Whatever happens, I'll be making that phone call and participating in that interview.

Oh yea, blogger was being lame-o last night when I was trying to post about my job interview today.  The place I've been corresponding with back and forth via email since Wednesday morning has agreed to do a phone interview today.  I'm not holding my breath about getting the job but I am very glad to already have an opportunity at my feet.  I will just have to wait and see how it pans out...and I will, of course, post an update either way.

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