Tuesday, August 13, 2013

yet another mundane facebook update?

So I just found myself wanting to post a pondering moment on Facebook but decided against it because I don't want to be that person that posts every little part of their daily lives.  So I thought I'd ponder via blog for a moment. :)

I'm doing laundry in my new place (yes, we're mostly settled in) for the first time.  I'm wondering how long it will take for my clothes to dry in the dinosaurs they're keeping in the laundry room.  The machines are seriously old.  The laundry room is one of the only major downfalls of this new apartment.  I can live with it but it is pretty disappointing to know that all of our stuff has to be cleaned in machines that everyone else uses chemical-filled detergents and fabric softeners to clean their clothes.  I wish I didn't have to share machines... or, even better, get everyone else to use Norwex!  I don't know how I could ever make that happen but it would be pretty sweet.  I can't imagine it takes more than 45 minutes to dry.  I'm going to check now...

Mundane?  I think not, I just had a genius idea.  Suck it, nay-sayers!

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