Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Modern Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I just finished watching Modern Marvels: Failed Inventions.

My thoughts...

After seeing all the failed attempts to marry the concept of a motor vehicle with an airplane or a boat, I am proud to say that I have always loved the impracticality of a flying (or floating) car.  My very favorite movie from childhood was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Partly because of the music, partly the story, partly the costumes, but mostly the main character...the car that could float on water and fly through the air.  I'm actually pretty glad that inventors have long since given up marketing car/plane and car/boat ideas to the general public because it allows my pristine childhood fantasy stay in the realm of fantasy (or at least completely unattainable by my own means).  The idea is just not practical.  Normally this would upset me, but with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, therein lies the draw.

A totally awesome set of failed inventions I fell in love with in the show was the Dymaxion car and the Dymaxion home designed by Buckminster Fuller.  He's my hero...

This may seem like a bit of a stretch to shift into "fish-mode", as I call it.  But I happen to have a lovely pair of goldfish whom I've named after the lead actors in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Truly Scrumptious and Caracticus Potts.  I've had the two since January of this year just chilling in my 10 gallon start-up tank.  They live a quiet simple life compared to my other fish and I love to watch them.   I had this idea I want to put some music to some video I shot of them palling around and post it on youtube.  I'm going to do that right now.  Except here's a few stills from around the time I first got them when they were wee little babies...

Characticus Potts is the Black Moor Goldfish.

Truly Scrumptious is the Red Cap Oranda Goldfish.

I enjoy this shot because they look so far off behind the foreshortened driftwood...and they're obsessed with their reflections.

And here's Truly up close and personal:

Truly Scrumptious and Caracticus Potts (the fish) make their debut on YouTube

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