Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Long Time, No Blog?

Yes, It's true.  I'm a terrible blogger.  I can't seem to bring myself back to the habit again.  Maybe it's because I'm caught up on other habits right now as I have been in the past.  But mostly I feel like I've been in limbo for, well, like forever.  I'm currently on a hunt for a single bedroom apartment for me and Sky.  She lives with me half-time per mine and DJ's custody agreement.  Though if you ask me on some days it feels like I have her all the time, and on others I miss her so much I can barely believe it's half the time.  I love her so much my heart fills up with happiness every time I think of her.  At 15 months, she's EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE...ALL THE TIME!!!  It's unbelievable how much she learns every day and how much she shows how much she knows all the time.  She's so smart!  I want her to have every opportunity to learn so I've amassed a library for her.  I keep joking that it took more than 15 years to create my library of fact and fiction, but it's taken a mere 15 months to collect at least as many (if not more) books for my Sky to read.  We read every single night that she's with me (along with tubby and naked snacks ;)).  It was really awesome to have my sexually-ambiguous roommate Elizabeth to share some fun milestones with, however, she's moved on to greener pastures...After the wicked ice storm back in April, we were struck with nasty May showers.  Over Memorial Day weekend, our building was struck by lightning and later flooded like whoa.  It was a nasty mess that we're still dealing with fall out from.  Anywho, she was offered a job at another Michaels store, a lateral move to a store in Iowa.  And as of the end of June, she's gone.  We're still living in her apartment til the end of July but soon we'll be gone too.  I want something more permanent.  Something stable and steady.  I don't make much money but with my Norwex business, I'm planning to change that.  I know that a one-bedroom apartment isn't much for a single mom.  However, I love maintaining my own household and even if I don't have bedroom of my own, I know that I can provide the home Sky deserves even on my modest income.  I just don't want to move again!  It's nice being alone in the apartment, though I miss Elizabeth terribly, but I feel like it's a stupid waiting game.  I just know I can't afford this place alone.  Despite it being a fantastic location and a wonderful size, the management is TERRIBLE (we had NO assistance in the cleanup from the flood, NONE).  It's just not worth the headache and the stress and the potential illness (mold, rash, whatnot).  So we're out.  Now it's just a matter of finding a place within budget that will accept me even with my shitty credit...

I know I need to post more, if not for whatever followers I may have, but for myself.  This is a good reminder of what I want, what I need, and what could be for the future.  Whatever it holds, I hope it's amazing, though I'm sure, with a sweet amazing intelligent baby sidekick, I can tackle whatever that life throws at me without effort.  She is my heart and the air I breathe.  Everything is ok with Sky.

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