Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Workout

Have you ever felt like your body was screaming "no, no, no" at the same time as sighing "yes, yes, yes"?

Well, that's how I feel today.  We got a nasty snow storm over Friday night and into yesterday morning.  I ended up spending about an hour outside in the whipping wind digging my car out and shoveling the driveway.  I did get stuck getting out onto the main roads on my way to work, and I got stuck pulling into the parking lot when I got there.  But I spent my breaks at work shoveling my car out again in order to have a successful exit and drive home.  I had planned on taking a long route through town via 41st Street to Minnesota Ave.  However, when I was on Louise pulling up into the turn lane I whipped a shitty right in the middle of the road!  I ended up facing the complete opposite direction but was on the right side of the road so I went that way instead and took the interstate (which was clearer than the main roads in town anyways).  I spent another half hour or so today clearing the end of the driveway so I could leave for work again.

And now I ache.  I think they're mostly good aches I'm obviously out of shape and shoveling is a good workout for my lazy ass.  So despite my muscles groaning in protest the rest of me thinks that gradually shoveling the rest of the driveway clear would be a great way to burn some extra calories in the next week or so.

The parts of today not spent shoveling, working or watching Z, I worked on my Christmas presents.  Chloe's painting is finished for the most part, I just need to find a float frame that'll work; I may possibly add another piece to it if I can't find one that will fit nicely.  I also did the base drawing for my painting of Miss Ella.  I plan on starting the one of Pee and Blue tonight while I watch the start of "It's A Wonderful Life".  If I don't finish, I'll be working on it tomorrow during my Z day.

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