Thursday, January 14, 2016


So, I think my sad, nearly 8-yr-old MacBook has finally given out. 😢 I haven't been able to start it up for nearly a month. I didn't stop taking pics for fashion, I just haven't figured out how to post them here using my stupid smartphone.

I was just trolling facebook and I came across one of those surveys I used to do. I decided I wanted to do it, just not on facebook...
26 Things About Me
Age: 29
Biggest fear: Losing my kid...or mom
Current time: 11:45pm
Drink you last had: drinking water right now
Every day starts with: bathroom stuff, then coffee.
Favorite song: at the moment, This is what it feels like by Armin van Buuren.
Ghosts, real or no? probably
Hometown: Sioux Falls
In love with: yoga
Jealous of: whoever wins the Powerball tonight
Killed someone? I would never, but I've been watching a lot of killing on The Following lately...
Last time you cried: a few days ago
Middle name: Marie
Number of siblings: 3
One wish: true love ❤
Person who called you last: my sweet snowbird grandmother
Question you always get asked: where does she [my girl] get her red hair?
Reason to smile: my ginger sidekick, and the slow and steady courtship I have going right now with a very handsome man
Song you last sang: Despicable me
Time you woke up: 7:30
Underwear color: gray
Vacation Destination: hopefully Toronto this summer to see my'll be 4 years by then since we saw each other.
Worst habit: probably swearing...but I fucking love it 😜
Xrays you've had: only dental ones
Your fav food: buffalo chicken pizza
Zodiac sign: Gemini

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I just had one of those days that just makes you feel great all the way down to your bones...
I started the day at coffee at my parents, sans Skylar as she was in Mitchell for the weekend. I didn't get to see my family on Christmas because my parents went to see my grandparents in Texas for the holiday. We celebrate together tomorrow, or tonight rather... It's been nice to have a little more of a break from the kiddo since I've had so much togetherness with her lately that we are experiencing mutual feelings of distaste and desperate need for some separation. I got off at 8 tonight and ended up at Bogtrotters with a coworker. Right after being served my 3rd beer, the guy I dated last summer came into the bar with a gal I knew through him. My coworker asked if I wanted to leave and I said no. It took until he went to the restroom for her to come over and say hello despite being only 2 seats over at the bar. I could tell she was drunk, and that's cool. But my coworker recognized her as the lesbian that hit on her the night she was drunk and heckled him for ghosting me on her way home downtown. The situation got exceptionally awkward when he came back, but I kept my cool as my coworker continued to put her foot in her mouth. After we went back to our little duos at the bar, my friend went to say hi to a friend across the way. When she was away, he came and sat by me asked how I am really and he even apologized for"ghosting" me basically. I put it plainly that I'm much better now than when he knew me because I've made the decision to make myself happy and that our situation is water under the bridge. I think I even got a sincere hug (sort of) out of him....maybe it's because today is his birthday. Either way, I definitely feel like I came out of that whole situation looking pretty fly despite it being partially due to my coworker's awkwardness. It's still satisfying to achieve something even if 5 months overdue.
The whole thing was just laughable especially considering I'm so looking forward to seeing a new fellow for a date tomorrow (seeing casually for the last 2 months). I just had to capture the essence of vindication before I go grab a little shuteye in preparation for said date.
I feel good, na na na na na na na!