Here's another bit of writing from the old college vault:
Stream of Consciousness Writing...
Prompt: Jar of Gummy Candies
1. I used to eat these kind of gummy candies at Grandma and Grandpa Wingert's when there were no other grandkids around. The orange ones were always my favorite...
2. Orange is Megan's favorite color...
3. Megan never answers her phone or returns my calls...
4. Lizz's mom, on the other hand, has called me twice during this class already...
5. Lizz is becoming a a vegetarian, starting today...
6. I couldn't ever be a vegetarian; I love poultry too much...
7. Like the chicken Chris made the other night [for dinner]...
8. That night, I talked to my parents on the phone for almost two hours...
9. I miss being home and dream of it often...
10. My dreams are pretty crazy---like ferrets and chess.
Narrow topics to 3, then 1. Just write a story, a narrative, a shitty first draft.