Friday, September 24, 2010

My Little Pony Fish

A backwards Chronology of my pet fish starts now:

These three handsome male bettas are my most recent single dwelling fish.  I got them here in Soo Foo earlier this Spring.  My three and a half year old niece Chloe helped me name them after things from a My Little Pony videotape that she loves just as much as I did when I was her age.  It actually came out the year I was born.




Saturday, September 18, 2010

Produce Pic of the Day

 Picture Number 155 and the last picture of TomFoolery.

The remainder of my produce pics were compressed improperly on my ipod and the originals didn't survive a reformatting last year.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Produce Pic of the Day

Pic Number 150!

Sauce bottles...not produce, I know, but same time and local.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mmmm, gummies!

Here's another bit of writing from the old college vault:

Stream of Consciousness Writing...
Prompt: Jar of Gummy Candies

1. I used to eat these kind of gummy candies at Grandma and Grandpa Wingert's when there were no other grandkids around.  The orange ones were always my favorite...

2.  Orange is Megan's favorite color...

3.  Megan never answers her phone or returns my calls...

4. Lizz's mom, on the other hand, has called me twice during this class already...

5.  Lizz is becoming a a vegetarian, starting today...

6.  I couldn't ever be a vegetarian; I love poultry too much...

7.  Like the chicken Chris made the other night [for dinner]...

8.  That night, I talked to my parents on the phone for almost two hours...

9.  I miss being home and dream of it often...

10.  My dreams are pretty crazy---like ferrets and chess.

Narrow topics to 3, then 1.  Just write a story, a narrative, a shitty first draft.

Produce Pic of the Day

The last good quality produce pic...but it's not the last altogether.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This reminds me of...

While I was unpacking some of my belongings the other night, I came across and old notebook from a writing class I took the second semester of my freshman year at SAIC.  I decided I'm going to post some of my old writings based on prompts from that class starting with one that I find highly amusing.

Write about the memory triggered by the feel of what is in the bag.

8. This object reminds me of all the weddings we had to go to in Parker.  There must have been like ten of them throughout my childhood.

7. This reminds me of the gum I used to chew to stay awake in my boring high school classes.

6. This reminds me of those stupid mood bead bracelets that everyone had in eighth grade.  I wanted them so badly, but for no good reason.

5. This kind of reminds me of a Fourth of July firework which makes me think of when I was five and my cousin Joel started the ditch on fire with one.

4. This reminds me of the first real watch I ever owned; it was a Tigger face without numbers.  I got it because I was going to be a crossing guard in the fifth grade.

3. This reminds me of nights when we had muffins for dinner.  They were always a treat.

2. This reminds me of Mere when I babysat her last semester and she and Alicia fought over who had collected more rocks.

February 28, 2005

We never actually knew what was in the bags (or if we did, I certainly don't remember).

Produce Pic of the Day